Published Jun 1, 2012
OhioPreps Rankings: Running Backs
Marc Givler Recruiting Analyst
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Few states have produced running backs in the quantity that Ohio has over the years and while the class of 2013 may lack that nationally known prospect, the depth is once again impressive. The number of Ohio backs holding Division I offers is quickly approaching double digits and two prospects have already issued verbal commitments to BCS conference programs.
In addition to the two BCS commits, three other prospects are currently weighing multiple BCS conference offers, once again showcasing the solid depth at the position. Though known for producing big-time power backs, this crop offers plenty of speed with burners such as Copley's Aregeros Turner and Cincinnati Colerain's Chris Davis.
Davis missed most of his junior season after an ultra-impressive sophomore campaign and will be looking to bounce back with a big senior year this fall. Davis isn't the only Cincinnati area prospect to crack the list as Moeller's Keith Watkins also finds himself comfortably on the board. To get the full top 10, click the FREE link below.
